Bandits Threaten to Kill 17 Greenfield Varsity Students If N100m Is Not Paid

Bandits threaten to kill 17 Greenfield Varsity Students If N100m is not paid. This threat was made on Monday, the 3rd of May, 2021.

The Bandits on Monday  threat­ened to kill the 17 students that are remaining from the ones abducted from Greenfield University, Ka­duna State, if N100 million ransom is not paid.

Twenty-two students and a member of staff were kidnapped from the school campus along the Kaduna-Abuja highway on the 20th of April, 2021, and in one week, five of them were killed.

In an interview with the Hausa Service of Voice of America (VOA), The leader of the bandit group who identified himself as Sani Idris Jalingo, threatened that if the Kaduna State government or their families refused to pay a ransom of N100 million, in addition to providing them with 10 brand Honda motorcycles by Tuesday, the students that are left will surely be killed.

Jalingo stated that he had 17 stu­dents in his custody, including 15 females and two males, among them is a grandchild of the late 18th emir of Zazzau, Shehu Idris, whom he identified as Hamza.

The bandit also revealed that the families of the students initially raised and paid N55 million to them but he claimed that the money was used to feed the students.

He swore that it was his final warning and if the government or the families of the students fail to meet his de­mands, all the students will be killed.

In his words:

“You are speaking with the abductors of Green­field students. We heard the utterances of the Kaduna State governor that he will not pay ransom to bandits to purchase additional arms.”

When Jalingo was asked if he sees him­self as a terrorist,  he laughed and said stated that he is nothing but a food seeker.

Further emphasizing his threat, the bandit said: “If they fail to bring N100 million and 10 brand new Honda motorcycles known as Boko Haram by Tuesday, I can assure you they will use trucks to evacuate the bodies of the remaining students.”

He advised security agen­cies not to bother planting trackers on the mo­torcycles because his mem­bers do not go to cities and therefore arresting them will not be easy.

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RELATED POST: Greenfield Students Explain how they Escaped from the Kidnappers.

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