What is ofada rice?

We will be discussing the health benefits of Nigerian Ofada rice. Before that we have to answer the question, what is ofada rice? Ofada rice is mostly blends of African and Asian rice and may be categorized as brown or white ofada for unmilled seed color, grain size, shape, and shade. Ofada rice is unpolished African that has not been milled. Ofada rice has its bran left on the grains.

When ofada is harvested from the field, only the outer hull is removed while white rice undergoes an extra process to remove the bran and germ layer and polish at the end to make it pearly whites.

Ofada grows mainly in the southwestern part of Nigeria.ofada rice has been grown in Ogun state since 1940. it was smuggled by a soldier who returned from Asia and planted the rice in Ofada town. Ofada rice is a rice that is named after the town Ofada, where it’s Cultivation first occurred in Ogun State Nigeria. Ofada rice is often eaten with ofada stew or Ayamase and is a Nigerian meal native to the Yorubas.

Ofada rice contains various important nutrients for overall health. Ofada rice calories for one cup is 611 calories. One cup of ofada rice contains Carbs(44g), Fiber (3.5g), Fat (1.8g)Protein(5g). Ofada is rich in vitamin B1, B3, B6, B5, Iron, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Selenium, and many more. The whole grain is a great source of folate, riboflavin (B2), Potassium, and calcium. 

Now let’s explore the health benefits of ofada to white rice

1) High Nutritional Content: ofada rice does not undergo much processing. This allows it to retain a lot of micronutrients such as iron, manganese, selenium, and many more. Additional proteins and essential fatty acids are macronutrients gotten when eating ofada .ofada is sometimes processed using fermentation, which provides more aromatic quality to the rice. White rice is long and slim grains polished to look pearly whites, which undergoes extra processes causing it to lose nutrients and minerals.

2) Promotes Health Heath’s: ofada rice contains a little about saturated fats, which makes it ideal for your heart, unlike white rice, which is saturated with fats. ofada rice also prevents cardiovascular diseases, high blood pressure, heath rhythm problems, diabetes and celiac diseases, and many more. A property of selenium in Ofada rice also helps reduce low-density lipoproteins (LDL) by 7% while keeping your heart functioning well and keeping cholesterol levels in check also. LDL ends up as bad cholesterol in the body.

3) Promotes weight balance and loss: ofada contains both soluble and insoluble fiber, and they work towards reducing fats and body mass index (BMI), which leads to weight loss, while white rice contains excess calories that may cause you to gain unnecessary weight.

4)  Presence of zinc: Zinc is a mineral that plays an important role in the body. It helps boost the immune system, enhance healing, promote the production of proteins and DNA. The body does not store zinc, so you have to make sure you consume enough zinc in your daily diet. Ofada is extremely rich in zinc. Consuming ofada rice will make your body function correctly, unlike white rice, which losses zinc during processing.

5)Cost consideration and swelling when cooked: ofada rice swells very much in size when cooked. The rice is economical and can swell to almost double the size when cooked, unlike foreign whiter rice that just swells a little or not at all. Ofada is typically priced higher compared to other rice. It is seen as a sign of status symbolism by some people, and it’s is sometimes served at classy parties .foreign white rice is usually converted to jollof rice or fried rice to be served at parties.

6) Ofada rice supports bone health: it is recommended for aged people as it keeps their bones healthier and stronger.

7)Ofada aids digestion: Ofada contains almost thrice the amount of Fiber found in polished white rice; it helps in preventing digestive disorders from occurring.

8) Reduces the risk of diabetes: whole grain balanced diet

9) Great for baby food and pet food: ofada can help maintain the rapid growth cycle in babies and some pet meals. It will keep them healthy. 

Ofada is naturally gluten-free. Ofada rice reduces blood sugar level, which is important if you have diabetes. Eating ofada will keep you full for longer, and you will be less likely to have a snack later on.

Finally, my advice to you is to replace eating foreign white rice with Nigerian ofada today.

By : Ibia .s. Elizabeth

Edited by: Kofoworola George Taylor






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